TEC Value for Printers: an essential factor for energy efficiency

Discover how the TEC value of printers reduces costs and improves energy efficiency, ensuring compliance with regulations and contributing to sustainability.
In today's competitive business environment, energy efficiency and sustainability are no longer options, but strategic imperatives. For companies that want to stay competitive and optimize their operations, understanding and managing the energy consumption of office equipment is crucial. In this context, the TEC (Total Energy Consumption) value of the printers becomes an essential factor. 

What is the TEC value?
The TEC value represents the total amount of energy consumed by a printer in a typical week of use. This includes energy consumed in active operating modes (printing, copying, scanning), inactive (standby) and energy saving modes (sleep, off).

How is the TEC value calculated? The calculation of the TEC value is standardized by the Energy Star methodology and involves the following steps:

  • Energy Consumption Measurement: Measure the energy consumed by the printer in various operating modes during a simulated week of typical activity.
  • Duration of Operating Modes: The typical periods of use for each mode (active, standby, sleep) are taken into account.
  • Calculation of the Total: The energy consumed in each mode is multiplied by the specific time to obtain the total weekly consumption.

Importance of TEC Value in Business

➡️ Reduction of Operating Costs: Printers with a low TEC value use less energy, which directly results in lower electricity costs. For businesses using a large number of printers, the cumulative savings can be significant. Careful evaluation of the TEC value allows the selection of equipment that contributes to a more efficient operating budget.

➡️ Compliance with Energy Regulations: Many regions and countries have implemented strict regulations on the energy efficiency of office equipment. Printers with a low TEC value are more likely to comply with these regulations, thus avoiding possible penalties or the need to make additional investments to meet the standards.

➡️ Impact on the Environment: Reducing energy consumption contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions, having a positive impact on the environment. Companies aware of their social responsibility and wanting to improve their public image will choose equipment with a low TEC to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

➡️ Equipment Performance and Reliability: Energy-efficient printers are often equipped with advanced technologies that improve performance and reliability. For example, they may have energy management systems that reduce component wear and extend equipment life.

➡️  Increasing Employee Efficiency: Equipment with an optimized TEC value can contribute to a more efficient work environment. Modern printers with energy-saving technologies quickly return from sleep mode and resume operations without noticeable delays, which reduces waiting time for employees and increases productivity.

In a world in full transition to sustainability and energy efficiency, understanding and evaluating the TEC value of printers is essential for any business. Not only does it help reduce operating costs and comply with energy regulations, it also helps protect the environment and improve operational efficiency. Choosing printers with a low TEC value is a strategic decision that can bring significant long-term benefits.

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