Aliant News

Google GameNGen: new frontiers!

Written by The Ant | Sep 11, 2024 6:00:00 AM

🎮 Google researchers are developing GameNGen, an AI system capable of simulating classic games like DOOM

A team of researchers from Google Research, Google DeepMind and Tel Aviv University has taken a major step in the field of artificial intelligence applied to gaming. They developed GameNGen, an innovative system that can fully simulate and play the classic DOOM game in real time.  A notable example is simulating the classic game DOOM at over 20 frames per second on a single TPU.  This achievement marks an important point in the evolution of AI, with the potential to change the way games are created and managed.

How does GameNGen work?
GameNGen uses advanced neural networks and machine learning techniques to recreate, without access to the original source code, the mechanics and graphics of the DOOM game. Using limited input, the AI ​​learns to recognize and mimic in-game style and behaviors, generating a gaming experience that is virtually indistinguishable from the original.

Implications for the future of video games
Not only can this technology play existing games, but it could also facilitate the creation of new games with the help of artificial intelligence. In the future, GameNGen could be used to create completely new games, generated based on user-defined concepts or even by interpreting their preferred play styles.

Another major advantage of this technology is the ability of AI to optimize and customize gaming experiences in real-time, which would allow developers to create games that adapt to user behaviors and preferences.

The impact on the gaming industry
The innovation brought by GameNGen could revolutionize the video game development process, greatly reducing the time and resources needed to create games. In addition, this technology could also spur the remaking of classic or cult games, giving them new life in modern formats.

In the long term, the collaboration between researchers at Google and Tel Aviv University suggests that we could see an ever deeper integration of AI into gaming, with benefits for both developers and players:

Realism and interactivity: GameNGen can generate game frames in real time, which means games can become much more realistic and interactive. This could revolutionize the way video games are developed and experienced.
Reduced development costs and time: Using a neural model to generate games can significantly reduce the cost and time needed to develop games. Developers could use GameNGen to quickly prototype and test different game scenarios without investing large resources in programming and design.
Customization and Adaptability: GameNGen enables the creation of games that can adapt in real time to player actions and preferences. This level of customization can lead to much more immersive and unique gaming experiences for each player.
Improving cognitive skills: AI-generated games, such as those created with GameNGen, can help develop players' cognitive skills. Studies have shown that video games can improve problem solving, strategic thinking and quick decision making.

GameNGen promises to transform the way video games are developed and experienced, bringing a new level of realism and interactivity; thus opening a new chapter in the history of video games, allowing artificial intelligence to play a central role in the simulation and even development of new games. If this technology is perfected, it could transform the gaming industry as we know it, offering ever more personalized and interactive experiences.
This fascinating breakthrough marks the beginning of a new way of viewing and creating video games in the digital age, promising to transform the industry and provide innovative opportunities for developers and players alike.